hunter thompson



Learn how to position yourself as a knowledgeable thought-leader so your dream investors are eager to invest with you and so that you... Never Scramble for Capital Again.


Watch my FREE TRAINING where I share how I went from failing MISERABLY on my first capital raising over $70,000,000

As Featured In: 

Does this sound
like you

Does this sound
 like you

  • Fell for the myth that if the deal is good, the money will come...but learned that could't be further from the truth
  • Fell for the myth that if the deal is good, the money will come...but learned that could't be further from the truth
  • Fell for the myth that if the deal is good, the money will come...but learned that could't be further from the truth
  • Fell for the myth that if the deal is good, the money will come...but learned that could't be further from the truth

Fell for the myth that if the deal is good, the money come...but learned that could't be further from the truth

Believed that family and friends would THROW their money at you if the deal was right...but was wrong!

Thought your track record in the industry would surely catapult your capital raising career...and it didn't!

Maybe had a few wins raising capital, but can't seem to raise it with absolute predictability OR always scrambling at the last minute!

If Yes, I can help you

Over the last 10 years, I've raise more than $70,000,000 from hundreds of investors... WITHOUT feeling like a pushy salesperson, or scrambling for the capital at the last minute but, id I'm being career started out with a massive THUD...

Why? Simple...I fell for the big MYTH of the real estate sector... "If you have a great deal, the money will just show up."

How many times have you heard that? Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth...

In fact, raising capital has almost NOTHING to do with the specifics of your deal, how wealthy your "friends and family" are, your track record in the industry, or even how good of a sales person you are.

Over the last 10+ years, I uncovered that raising capital is actually about building a robust online presence, specifically designed to attract your DREAM investor, attracting thousands of potential investors by positioning yourself as an expert in the space, educating investors with followup touch points to nurture the relationship as quickly as possible, closing six-figure investors WITHOUT ever pushing them to invest with you.

Take the path to

Raising Capital...

Start Here

Get my #1 Selling Book

Learn how to get investors to send you $100,000, $200,000 and $300,000+ while not requiring more than a phone call
best seller
then go here

join my private facebook group for capital raisers

Attend LIVE Q&A sessions every Monday Where I deep-dive real capital raising Topicswith over 8K active members
Lastly, do this

Listen to my podcast

With over 50MM downloads, I interview Top players in thier sectors to bring you High-level, high-value content!

The results

$1MM raised in 5.5 days. Oversubscribed and loving it.


Raised $13.5MM in less than 24hrs. 
At one point raising $1MM/hour!


Overwhelming response...50% of the money already wired!($10MM)


Overwhelming response...50% of the money already wired!($10MM)



need something else?

All general inquiries please fill out the form and we will respond to you as soon as we can. Additional info below


West Hollywood, CA
United States

Hours of operations

M_F | 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM PST
quick links:     ABOUT      REVIEWS      learn my strategy
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Raisefeet is a website and live event that helps syndicatord scale their capital raising online. We make no claims or representation that by attending Raisefeet you will earn monney or make your money back. 

Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of RaiseMasters. Their business's results are not typical, and your business's experience will vary based upon the effort and 

education of your business's employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone's control.
Raisefeet is a website and live event that helps syndicatord scale their capital raising online. We make no claims or representation that by attending Raisefeet you will earn monney or make your money back. 

Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of RaiseMasters. Their business's results are not typical, and your business's experience will vary based upon the effort and 

education of your business's employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone's control.